
After Match Refreshments

Sun, 15 Mar 2020
from 7:00pm to 11:00pm

by Cam White
Posted: over 4 years ago
Updated: over 4 years ago by Cam White
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
Ends: 11:00pm (duration is about 4 hours)

Due to the Clubrooms being unavailable tonight following the days play (Win, Lose or Draw) we will all be heading out to The Elgin Inn Hotel in Hawthorn for the season wrap up. I know it is not ideal and we would all love to be back at the home of cricket Howard Wilson Oval holding up the Howard Wilson Shield, but unfortunately it is what it is. I am also hoping for a very special Grand Final edition Mav Gleed match report.

I really hope you can all make no matter how the days turns out.



Elgin Inn Hotel

  • [2020-Mar-15 09:18 AM] Cam White: Updated

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