Breaker Happy Hour is back and what better day for us all to reconnect than on RUOK Day.
If you are unifiliar with RUOK Day then have a read below or jump onto their website at RUOK Happy Hour
Time: Sep 9, 2021 07:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 895 7136 9735
Passcode: 989901
I really hope to see you all there.
R U OK? is an Australian non-profit suicide prevention organisation, founded by advertiser Gavin Larkin in 2009. It revolves around the slogan “R U OK?” (are you okay?), and advocates for people to have conversations with others. The organisation has a dedicated R U OK? Day, held annually on the second Thursday of September, which encourages Australians to connect with people who have emotional insecurity, to address social isolation and promote community cohesiveness.
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